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New Vehicle Recovery Kits from JM Rigging!


For the past year we have been working with Jim at JM Rigging to configure recovery kits to use for our ExploringNH events, as well as to recommend to people who are looking for a complete package.  In looking for proper kits for our members and customers, we found lots of kits from good manufacturers that either were not what we considered "complete" or were not a good match for the vehicle sizes that frequent our events.  Don't get us started on un-rated or untested imported gear.

In our search for a vendor, we wanted to be able to work with a small manufacturer using quality raw materials that did their assembly in the USA.  We also wanted our gear clearly labeled with load ratings and manufacturer information.  Well, JM Rigging delivered.  After some long conversations about testing, ratings, manufacturing, material origin, and four-wheel drive events we purchased materials to do our own testing with.  We also like that the same person that answers the phone builds the gear!  Since receipt, we have used these kits for our trainings, classes, trips, and forum events.  And.... we like them a lot.  

Exciting News!

We have just released a set of new kits, available exclusively from JM Rigging.  These recovery kits include:

  • 1x kinetic recovery rope

  • 2x soft shackles

  • 2x hard shackles

  • 1x 2" receiver adapter for 3/4" screw pin anchor shackles

  • Heavy-duty gear bag with the JM Rigging and ExploringNH Logos

Add a good pair of gloves and some zip ties from your favorite manufacturer and these kits are ready for almost any basic kinetic recovery situation.

Kits are available with either 3/4" or 7/8" diameter kinetic rope to match the rating requirements of most trail vehicles.  Lengths of 20' or 30' can be selected based on the needs of each driver.  Soft shackles are matched to the ropes and are available in both standard and extended lengths to increase the utility of the soft shackles.  The hard shackles included in the kit are "3/4 inch CM Super Alloy Galvanized Shackles, screw pin" which are high strength rigging shackles with a 6:1 safety factor - they are the same weight but stronger than "standard" shackles which gives a higher working load limit.  All of this great stuff fits into a rugged cloth bag co-branded with JM Rigging and ExploringNH.  

In addition to the base kit, we have also tested some "big" kits which include needs for more advanced recoveries and winching needs.  Feel free to work with our trainers on selecting what might be right for you based on your vehicle and needs.


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